On my return from a trip to Maine, I notice some changes in the
garden. The monarda are blooming. The primrose have stopped. The day
lilies are still blooming. The bougainvillea hasn't changed much but
it does have some new leaves at last. I am surprised it hasn't
changed much since I brought it out in May. I planted some
raspberries my mother gave me (from Maine). That stock always gave
her two batches a year so I am hoping for the same since they
originated not far from here before they were transplanted to Maine.
I have one red raspberry on the batch I planted last year but I will
water them daily in hopes of getting more.
The potting soil is like jello. Weird. The geraniums by the bird
bath, which was turned over by a visiting mammal (raccoon?) I
suppose, have all had their flowers eaten off of them but are
otherwise fine. Nothing much has happened to the chrysanthemum or the
anemone. I wonder if they'd be happier in another spot?
The cat smells like cat litter. I suppose she spent alot of time
huddled there. She is glad to be home though and cried for me as I
put the new plants in. My mom gave me some of her raspberries,
geraniums and a bleeding heart. The bleeding heart and some other
hitchhikers in other pots are now in their own pots until they get
bigger. They'd get lost if I planted them in the ground.
I've heard a wood thrush again around here so that is nice.
Also, one ant seen in the kitchen when I got back. None in the bathroom. Let's hope they are finished with crawling around my apt.