Saturday, April 07, 2007

Administration leak discovered ...

Administration leak discovered ..., originally uploaded by guano.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I am using the VLog part of YouTube. Check out my favorite music videos.

Rachid Taha - Barra Barra

I first heard this on Rob Weisberg's Transpacifc Sound Paradise on WFMU on 4/13/03.
I am impressed that they did this, with all the effects and it's such a sharp recording, live.
Was one of my favorites for a long time. Now his 1-2-3 Soleil show is my favorite.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

John Boutte Sings "Why"

I heard him sing this at Jazz Fest last year, on WWOZ. This is from Austin City Limits, The New Orleans Social Club.


Originally uploaded by Lipwak.

Saw this crocus today.

Most everything is still brown here but things are just beginning. Croci are out, shoots are coming up for the day lilies, the lilacs have buds, the Japanese maples have just the beginning of pink buds!, the hyacinths are coming up, the two tulips shoots are up, the wild rose are looking green and have spurts coming out.

I've seen a Robin in Princeton and Airmont but not here yet. Lots of bird songs for the past few weeks but I can't tell who they are.

Looking forward to seeing greenery appear.

Monday, April 02, 2007

First lawn crew of the spring summer fall season has arrived. Hard to
tell if there is an Indian Point siren going off or if it's just the
lawn crew. (They are having Indian Point siren tests this week and
have already had one today. Both have high pitched steady tones. You
tell the difference...)