Thursday, August 16, 2007


Overheard while we were waiting in line for snacks at the Hopper
House during the break at tonights Jazz in the Garden (featuring Erik
Lawrence and Hipmotism and friends and poetry), mother to young son:
"Hurry up and get in there and get that cookie before anyone else
gets it."

I was kinda hoping to get a cookie. I was ahead of the mother but the
son was ahead of me or at least was after she said that. I feigned
disappointment to her. Then afterwards, I thought, that was pretty
rude. That's what mothers are teaching their kids? Get it before
anyone else, even if there are people in line?

I am too soft a heart.

Light off the top of the record player (speeded up)

Yesterday morning I saw the light reflecting onto the ceiling, bouncing off the top of the record player. It was making these great shapes. I wondered what it was. I should have taped it yesterday. It was brighter.

This morning I taped it. It was overcast so nowhere near as entrancing. But it's still cool. Enjoy.

A not well woodchuck

Saw this woodchuck on the lawn a little while ago. I'd walked past it and been near it for awhile and then realized it was there. It wasn't moving although he poked his head up as I recognized it. It had flies all over it and it looked like it had bled on it's back. I talked to it, took this pic and then went away.

I did see it amble off into the garden towards one of the known woodchuck holes a little while later.

I don't know what was wrong with it. Had it been crushed by the propane delivery truck that had been there a little while earlier? Unlikely. It smelled bad. I don't know if woodchucks smell bad normally and have flies on them since most are so skittish, they take off when they see you.

I'd like to think I made him better by talking lovingly to it but that's probably not true.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Say no more