'Anna Nicole's mother wasn't on the best of terms with her.'
Go Fox. THAT's news!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
My Orthodox Jewish neighbors are playing some really loud music right now. It is intentionally being blasted outside. Why? I have my windows closed and it is very loud. Their house is maybe a hundred yards away. They are intentionally disturbing the peace with their music. That's rude. (And not the first time it has happened.)
Some video taken 7/15/95 at my old house in Greenwich.
My late cat Bluto, my car, my gardens. No, it wasn't 105 degrees out then. That thermometer wasn't very accurate in its later years.
I've climbed the Grossglockner, the highest mountain in Austria (and by no means hard to do). I have no desire to climb another mountain again, thank you.
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