I have this idea.
I saw a truck spewing smoke on my way up to Maine this past 4th of July. The smoke was so bad, you couldn't see past the truck, at all. A real driving hazard.
Anyway, I just realized a few things.
Cars and trucks (and buses, planes, jets, internal combustion engines...) spew out an incredible volume of gases (as opposed to liquids or solids, not gasoline. OK, gasoline gasses...). If people could see how much they create, perhaps they would drive less.
So, my idea is, create some sort of additive so that cars (trucks, etc) emit visible NON-TOXIC smoke. People will see how much they are polluting. Yes, it would be a driving hazard and harsh medicine but very dramatic. And that's what it takes to really get the point across that there is an incredible volume of toxic gases we emit but don't see. And since we don't see this, we don't think it is that bad of a problem. It's an invisible killer.
Now, what can be put in a car's gas tank that would make the exhaust smoke? I guess there are hobby kits out there.
Whadya think? Anybody want to pick up and run with this idea?