Tuesday, October 23, 2007

CA fires vs Katrina

I don't see people complaining that people shouldn't be living in
Southern California with the fires they're having like they were
about people living in New Orleans when Katrina hit.

They are the same thing. People living in an area that has natural
threats aggravated by man's shortcomings.

CA - overbuilding in a natural firezone, that has fires EVERY YEAR.
NO - flooding brought about by poorly designed and built levees (that
has hurricanes every year)

I always wanted to ask when people brought up this argument, should
people live in Holland? They live below sea level too. (Of course
they should. Like it or not, there they are.)

Eggnog is in the stores!

Eggnog is on the shelves at my local Shop RIte! The season has begun!
I hate to see it go but I am so glad it has started now.

Bought some Axelrod egg nog. It is good, has a clean taste with no
distractions. I like to try all the brands.