Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Indian Point siren tests today

They tested the Indian Point sirens three times this morning.

At 10:35, as I was outside getting the morning paper, I heard a
steady tone, not too loud, heard from towards where the Rt 306 old
siren is/was, possibly one in the other direction. A short test,
faded to nothing without changing tone.

The second test was at 11am. The tone is not very loud inside the
house and it varies! There is no wind ot speak of. (For the first one

The third test, at 11:30. Longer but barely audible. Sounds like it
is coming from more due east...

Not very impressive. I live just outside the 10 mile zone, maybe a
tenth of a mile if that. I can barely hear the sirens. I think they
need to be A LOT LOUDER!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Indietro Tutta found on YouTube!

Here is a short bit of the intro.

A wonderful show. I understood very little of it (I don't speak Italian) but found it hilarious and intriguing. I hope to see more!! I might put what I have taped on YouTube too.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Polyphonic Spree (at SXSW on DirecTV)

I'm watching the Polyphonic Spree (live) at SXSW on DirecTV. I've
seen them on Austin City Limits before this. They crack me up, give
me joy... The music is awful but I love to watch the choir. They look
like a bunch of Moonies all swinging and twisting their heads in
unison. I wonder how many get neck injuries. And they never have to
dry their hair. All that tossing around will do it for them. They
definitely have the market cornered for the
women-all-dressed-the-same-head-twisting-in-unison dance form.

And there's a new girl in the front row center, at least since I saw
them on ACL, who's got the best head flip, very sexy. (Is one of the
requirements to be in the choir to have black hair?)

I think it's the Addicted To Love look to it all that I like about them...

(PS. I realized I had spelled cornered as corned. Apparently Blogger's spell check thinks that "corned" is a word that doesn't need to corrected. Interesting. Corned...)