Something weird before Lisa Keegan. An attempt to be hip. Fairly awful.
The Repubs become non-partisan for a moment when asking for help for
the Gulf Coast. Soon enough, they discard that and go back to being
Polls say the delegates are pro-Bush, pro-McCain to a great extent
whereas the majority of Republicans DO NOT favor Bush or McCain at
all. Should be interesting. These are the guys who drank the Cool-Aid.
Also disappointing is the fact that reporters outside the convention
are being arrested and abused. Like most Republican conventions, free
speech is in danger and protesters will get abused. They too will
cause trouble but the police will overreact and innocent people will
get hurt or arrested.
Repubs are using fear to get elected as usual. That and an overdose
of patriotism.
Fred Thompson on now. A joke of a man. Amazing that people would vote
for him. A macho idiot.
Jolting Joe Lieberman on now. How bizarre to see him there.
They play Sly and the Family Stone's Everyday People. Great song. I
think this is an alternate version or they have edited out, or are
using an edited version that has the 'different strokes for different
folks' part out. Why? Maybe they just are missing a channel. I
suspect they edited it out.
Next, they play the rockabilly song (Rock This Town - by?, very familiar).
Kenny Loggins next.
Happy Republicans dancing to some cowboy song.
Earth, Wind & Fire - September. These white folks are abit retarded,
Guiliani had to mention 9/11...
Sarah Palin's a pit bull with lipstick. I can't wait for the
Photoshopped pics that won't be flattering to her. But then, she did
ask for it.
They go for the 9/11 angle.
Kenny Loggins sings - ..."we're gonna take you to the danger zone"...
Yes they will. Not the best choice for a song I'd think.
Lindsay Graham's argument about Iraq only points out that the
Republicans and Bush would have kept going on the same course if the
surge hadn't been tried, over their protestations. The soldiers on
the ground said this isn't working? Why didn't Bush, the Republicans
and the Dept of Defense listen?
Sarah Palin film
Mother, moose hunter... great. They show a pic of her as a child with
food on her mouth. Nice. Over the rainbow shot at the end blows the
Having that large screen behind the speakers reminds me of the Apple
1984 commercial. All the willing lemmings eating it up.
The movie that plays after Tom Ridge speech for Cindy McCain has a
first musical theme that sure sounds alot like this Land Is Your
Land, not a tune I'd think they'd want to use given the Pete Seeger
Cindy with black folks in Africa. She must be a good person.
She appears. Her hair has gotten bigger.
She's "blessed and honored to be part of our national conversation."
That's a wierd thing to say.
"Get the federal government out of our way." She's one of those...
Ralph Nader is on a live webcast now so I'm watching that.
'Let all of those who are locked up for non-violent drug "crimes"
go. Then, have massive prosecution of corporate crooks.'
They're using a handheld camera. They should have used a tripod...
'The US people don't want very much.' That, alas, is why Ralph won't
do well. Most people don't care enough to think things through. If
they did, he'd do better.
What makes anybody think that the Repubs or Democrats will "ever get it done."
CEOs should outsource their jobs too!
The Repubs are showing McCain in Viet Nam again.
McCain is standing in front of a green screen (later blue). Perfect
for lots of people to put something in for the background that may
not flatter him.
Nader webcast is hard to hear...
Nader: We're putting kids in front of screens in education when they
should be doing more worthwhile things.
I agree. "Only human beings should have constitutional rights. Not
corporations." And corporations should not be able to lobby either.
It's kinda cool to see the Repub convention-goers cheering while I
listen to Ralph's webcast! And to have McCain mouth Ralph's words!
Nader will be on 45 state ballots!
The audio is too hot. Distorting but it's still hard to hear the speakers.
The speaker that follows Ralph asks for a $2300 contribution. The
room doesn't respond at first then we hear someone say 'I will.'
They're doing some fundraising now.
I turn the volume down on Ralph's fundraising and listen to McCain.
McCain is now saying we will embark on a big project to make us
energy independent. Drill now? That's the WRONG strategy, my friend.
More nuclear power plants. Clean coal. All bad ideas.
Actually, we know better than what you're suggesting.
Q&A for Ralph now.
On 9/11: Would have worked with other countries to go after the
attackers with a laser-like focus.
Full Medicare for all.
Next week will get together with Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney
(the Green party candidate for President) and some others to say
they are for all for repealing the Patriot Act and treating the
massive deficit (and more).
'The word "spoiler" is a politically bigoted word reserved for third
party candidates... No one blames Pat Buchanan for the 2000 election.
Gore should have won his own state of TN. etc.'
McCain seems to be done. We see a big flag behind the speakers most
of the time.
Bush and Cheney (and Rumsfeld) are subject to criminal prosecution
after they are out of office.
Replace health insurers with Medicare.
Repubs play September again as McCain walks through the crowd.
I agree, the Dems are only interested in self-preservation.
The federal government of 1933 could have done a better job with Katrina.