It's that time of the year again, eggnog time! Stores don't stock eggnog until around Thanksgiving. I don't know why. I'd drink it all year 'round. Sure I could buy the Borden's crap in a can but that makes me psychotic and is nothing but chemicals. You don't even have to refrigerate it. No thanks.
My first foray into eggnog this year had me buying 4 containers today. (2 1/2 gallons and 2 quarts). The brands I bought are:
- Turkey Hill (1/2 gallon, expires 12/13)
- Stop and Shop regular I guess. (1 quart, expires 12/13) It has a new logo and only says eggnog so that's all I know.
- Garelick Farms (1 quart, expires 1/7)
- Stop and Shop Lite (1/2 gallon, expires 1/9)
I've started in on the Turkey Hill since that had the earliest expiration date, along with the Stop and Shop Lite. Opening the cap, you smell an alcohol-like smell, and since you know there is no alcohol in it, it has to be some sort of chemical. (I don't pay much attention to the ingredients unless the taste is so foul I have to wonder what it is.) It almost smells like what you would serve friends, adding alcohol to it. (I add rum but it is even better with whiskey but I don't drink or have whiskey on hand.) First taste is good. Second sip, the same. You can drink enough of it and not find any strange flavors or have it get too sweet. So, I rate this as good. Others may be better but this is certainly not bad.
I'll post here when I move on the next brand. I'm sure I can drink them all before they expire. (Or will I expire from drinking them all?)
It's another good thing about winter.* (Never thought you'd hear me say that did you?) Buy some eggnog today! Cheers!
*Other things include being warm inside, both from toasty heat and clothes that surround you. Snow is nice to look at and walk in. Crisp air is refreshing. You get to feed the birds suet and they love it (though my suet feeder is languishing with my home-made suet. My local store isn't stocking a good brand so I have find another source...) I'm sure there are more things to like about winter but I can't think of them now. Oh, no bugs inside the house. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays being times to reflect and be nice to each other. I'm sure there are more things...
Turns out there are some eggnog songs out there and some are good. Check out:
I use up the Turkey Hill and open up the Garelick Farms. It smells fresh. Tastes sweet, fills your mouth. (It was foamy but I had shaken it up.) More of a milk taste.
I start in on the Stop and Shop regular eggnog. I don't notice any smell as I open it up. It tastes plain, a milky taste but thick. (I shook it up a little before opening it.) A slight dry taste to it.
I start the Stop and Shop Lite. No smell when opened. Tastes like sweet milk. That's it. It's also giving me a headache after drinking it. (That might be due to my not drinking milk other than eggnog and that only this time of year.)
I may start splitting the eggnog with some ice tea, to get that Thai ice tea effect. (See this earlier post.)
Po-boy shop serves up a porn star for lunch
Stormy Daniels, an only-in-New Orleans blue plate special
15 years ago