I see (the) two fawns again. Probably the same ones I've seen before.
Glad to see they are still around. It's likely they are nesting
around here somewhere. I've seen them by the front hedge but they
could be in the mess of bushes on the side of the house.
I saw an older deer yesterday and a fawn. Probably one of the fawns
seen today. I've seen the older deer a few times as well. Relatives?
Not a parent. I've seen much older deer that might have been the
parents before.
Sunday, 7/23
Saw the two fawns and the slightly older deer as I drove in today.
They looked at me and weren't too concerned. I talked to them, said
hello, soothingly. When I turned the car off and got out they'd
disappeared. Could have been the noise from my automatic car antenna
(which is broken and doesn't move the antenna up or down, just makes
the noise as if it was, for longer than it would run normally. That
might scare deer.
Is anyone else having trouble with Yahoo?
About a month ago, they forget all the settings for my bulk mail so
good mail started going in there from people I KNOW I've received
plenty of mail from in my Inbox for a long time. And now it is
taking a LONG time for Yahoo to learn what my good mail is... It's
even rejected mail from me, to me and not delivered some test mails
like that at all!
In the past few days they are hard to connect to. Yahoo IM was down
most of yesterday evening so I wouldn't be surprised if they are
having problems otherwise. (Now I am getting a cannot connect
message, trying to access the Yahoo TV guide with Firefox (
for Mac) Worked a second a ago. Saw an earlier time on the
Cablevision, the ISP I actually connect with*, has also been acting
up, every since my landlady got cable internet months ago. Lots of
can't connect to server messages and slow connects. When she is not
home all is well, for the most part, it does happen when she is not
using it too but it happens much more when she is home. I don't know
if she is also using at the times I have noticed it is slow but I bet
she is.
There is a separate connection, a separate cable running from the
pole to her house for each of our connections so there SHOULDN'T be a
problem unless they screwed up something at the pole.
*I also have at least one other one I pay $20 /month for so I can
keep my old e-mail addresses.