Went to a strawberry festival at St John's in the Wilderness church
in Harriman State Park today. A nice English style church. I grew up
Episcopal but not "high church". This church had a confessional! and
the Stations of the Cross! I've never seen that in an Episcopal
church before. For $5 you got stamped and could eat all the
strawberry shortcake you wanted, a good deal. The music turned out to
be two guys with guitars doing "bluegrass" and "mountain music". Both
were interesting and had a local point of view in their own songs
which made it very worthwhile. I didn't know locals were still upset
that the state flooded their villages when the land became Harriman
State Park. Maybe he only sang that song as a historical reference...
Saw this rabbit when I drove in the driveway. Always nice
to see wildlife here.
More primrose are blooming. The geraniums are surviving the wet soil
by the birdbath so far it seems though I will keep an eye on them. I
bet it will be too moist for them and hope I can remove them in time
if they start to die.
Haven't seen ants in the kitchen in a few days. Well, I saw one but
that won't count. Ever since I sprayed them with Fantastic and washed
the latest batch of dishes that usually sit in the sink, rinsed, for
many days, I haven't seen any others. None in the bathroom either.
Are they done? Let's hope.
I'm also hoping that my having sealed the tops of the storm windows
will prevent flying creatures from entering. I did have a lightning
bug by the window by my bed this morning but I figure he was caught
inside as I washed the windows there yesterday. I saw a ton of things
lined up on the other side of the window last night. Looks like the
small ones, gnats?, are going to get through regardless unless I can
figure out a way to discourage them too. Might spray something on the
screens but if I do something like that I would think it would have
only very short term effects.
Prairie Home Companion tonight. Morris practice tomorrow with more of
a turnout tomorrow.
More later if think of it and my fingers don't mind typing more.
(This is work!)
Oh, and the cat ate another pill covered with a Pill Pocket! I think
I like those things. What a relief! Thank you, Pill Pockets.