Monday, July 16, 2007

DirecTV is now airing the Ovation network. Great music, dancing and
other performance. Awful ads. Why is that? Great art and they can
only attract awful sponsors?

Still, I am going to LOVE Ovation. Gabriel Yared! The TIger Lillies!
Harry Smith!

Sigh. There IS something worth watching on TV at last.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I've seen the house wren sitting on a fencepost near the bee balm today. I am wondering if it is defending its territory from the hummingbird(s) that I've been seeing lately. While I love having the house wrens nesting in the birdhouse in the garden, I am hoping that it won't scare off the hummingbirds!

Twice now, hummingbirds have checked me out as I have stood by the bee balm. I've been wearing bright colored shirts that probably make them think I am a tall flower! They hover around briefly but very close. I haven't been able to take pictures or movies of them yet but I hope to asap. I think I have seen two, one yellow and one green but I'm not sure they were really different at all.