it last time around and I had REALLY wanted to see it. I just plain
screwed up then.
I made sure I didn't screw up this time. Got the DVR ready. Got the
VCR ready. Kinda hurried to get the DVD recorder ready at the last
minute but made it. Started the VCR and the DVD recorder just before
the show began. All looks like it is recording well.
I busied myself copying the set list and creating a cover for the DVD
as it played and wrote this as she is singing You Can Leave Your Hat
She sounds thin! She is. I miss her fat voice. She's great no matter
what though.
She sings I'd Rather Be Blind. My favorite Etta James song. Not quite
as good as the Late Show LP version but good enough. At least one
person, who looks like Pam, if only, gives her a standing ovation.
She sings At Last. More give her a standing ovation.
During You Can Leave Your Hat on she acts up like her old self. Go
mama. 'We know what love is', as an old voice, almost Katherine
She has two from the same band I saw her with in 1980 when I saw her
on the New Orleans Jazz Fest Riverboat, and the few times I've seen
here since then. Josh Sklar on lead guitar. Bobby Murray on rhythm
Now she sings Damn Your Eyes. Oh my heart.
Into Besame Mucho. Not crazy about this song. Back into Damn Those
Eyes? Be mine.
Nice vocalizations on the Jimmy Reed medley. (Baby What You Want Me
To Do, Down That Road?, Bright Lights, Big City, more?)
Sugar On The Floor by Kikki Dee? Ick for Kikki Dee but she does it well.
It's almost over. It flew! I am sure I will watching it again. She's
climaxing on this one. The catharsis that the blues doe so well.
We love you too, Etta. (ex-Gov Richards In the crowd!)
Donato James on drums
Sametto James on bass
Josh Sklar on lead guitar
Bobby Murray on rhythm and lead
David K Matthews on keyboards (yes!)
Ronnie Buttacavoli on trumpet and flugelhorn
Tom Poole on trumpet and flugelhorn
Kraig Kilby on trombone and cabasa
Thank you band. Thank you Etta.