Saturday, May 19, 2007

AT&T New Orleans Jazz Fest 2007 video

WHEN will AT&T have the archives from this year's Jazz Fest
available? It's been two weeks since the fest was over. When will we
get to see anything? Why does it take so long to do this? They could
have been ready the next day...

See here:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fox talking heads dismissed Ron Paul's performance minutes after the
Republican debate tonight in South Carolina but Fox's own text
message poll has Ron Paul in FIRST PLACE!

Bravo! Ron Paul's comment that we have to answer for why we were
attacked on 9/11 are words we need to hear more of. I like Ron Paul.
I don't like Republicans but so far, hearing Ron Paul tonight, I like
him. The others are trying to prove they are tougher SOBs than the
rest, a path we shouldn't have gone down in the first place.