Saturday, April 28, 2007

A woodpecker and other sounds recorded around my house

A woodpecker banging away on my house. Recorded 11/4/06.

More sounds from around my house in my Yahoo briefcase. Birds, insects, singing Christians and Jews, fireworks and my favorite, a bear!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ch 13 video problems

Ch 13 (WNET, NYC) has looked terrible lately. (I watch via DirecTV.)
Oversaturated colors. I reset the tv to the factory settings but can't stand
looking at Ch 13 in particular. Tonight, Charlie Rose is interviewing Pres Bush.
Even with my adjusting the settings to the colors are horrendous, I
am seeing a red edge on the right hand side of the their faces. I
hope this isn't due to the tv going bad. I think this is what
happened to my last tv as the first sign of it going bad.

Or Ch 13 is still screwing up. I don't understand why their channel
stands out with horrendous color saturation.

After the interview, the video looks normal, so it was the interview
that was poorly shot. Way to go 13.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

P4210005, originally uploaded by Lipwak.

This daffodil turned up in the pachysandra for the first time since I moved here 5 years ago.