One hot cat. It's hot here in NY.
Today's garden pics
Flowers on the mint! Never seen that before.
Some nice colors on the overly wet geraniums.
Berries on the unknown bush next to the privet. (The privet has some
smaller berries that I guess will turn black at some point. It has
stopped smelling, alas. What a great smell when it is fragrant.)
I have lots of progress in the butterfly assortment in the planter at
the top of my landing. This flower has some imminent buds. I believe
it is part of the slim leafed plant to the right. Looking forward to
flowers on any of these. (I think they are safe from the woodchucks,
rabbits and deer being on a second story landing!)
No good pics yet but my neighbor has a Rose of Sharon that has been blooming for a few days. I thought they were later but have seen some blooming in Nyack lately as well.