Friday, July 21, 2006

What is this bug?

(The big bug, not the little one, although I am curious about them too.)

I've seen them for a few days now. They hang out on my screen at
night. Last night I think I saw a younger one flying around. Most of
the time they just sit there. One other one was seen crawling around
another screen. I haven't seen them before this summer and I have
lived here for 4 summers now. Big mothers.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Ramapo police department or the fire department has been
disturbing the peace for the last 15 minutes with some demonstration
of their equipment at a nearby school, using their sirens, probably
to impress the kids.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How bizarre. Watching C-Span. Rep Steve King republican of Idaho
first heralds the fall of the Berlin Wall, as a demonstration of the
appeal of democracy. Later he is showing off a model fence which he
adds barbed wire to, that he proposes for the Mexican border.

Does he not see the contradiction? If Berlin is all about tearing
down walls, why are we planning to build one?

Have heard cicadas in the past few days, in the morning. Their first
calls were different than the usual. Hope to get a recording of them
at some point.

The tree that has one part that thinks it is fall already has some
bright orange leaves on it. It does this every year. Last year it had
some fall colors in September. The third week of July is a bit early
I'd think.

A flower in the butterfly mix O&R gave us. Wonder what it is. Others
are getting ready to bloom too but all seem small, miniature. Looking
forward to butterflies checking them out. Glad they are sprouting,
most seeds don't sprout for me.

Is this comfrey? Nice little purple flowers.

A bug seen inside last night. I get lots of these. I escorted this
one outside, then tossed it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Sunday 7/16
They're back. The ants. I saw three or four in the window sill as I
was eating dinner and one on the sink, which I washed down. I spread
baking soda all over in the window sill so hopefully they will stop
using that. We've got some hot weather coming up so let's see if they
make an appearance inside.