Wednesday, April 16, 2008

watching things I can't do anything about... painful

I watched as the kids in my backyard explored the woods. Last time
they did this they poked sticks at a pair of ducks that were nesting
there. Today, I saw them gather around where they hide but they
weren't making movements like they were doing anything bad to them so
I didn't speak up.

Later I saw a rabbit run away as they approached. The wildlife here
really has a hard time.

They are painting the house in front of me. Yesterday they brought in
a dumpster and today they tore apart the brick front porch that was
falling apart. In the process of bringing in the dumpster, they ran
over some daffodils that are popping up all over the front yard. I
tried digging a few of them out today but the soil is so thick with
roots and rocks it broke a fork tool. I was able to transfer at least
two shoots with bulbs and have planted them by the other rescued
plants. Maybe others will survive... I took some pics.

Yesterday I moved some plants that the painter stepped on. They were
about to bloom. I also moved the Tulips that were doing the best
they ever had since they had gotten run over by the dumpster
delivery. They are now back with the rescued plants but won't bloom
this year, I shouldn't think.

Today, miraculously the painter DIDN'T run over the hyacinths that
are blooming for the first time (without getting run over) in the six
years I have lived here. I put up a marker so people will know they
are there but that may have to get taken down.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

French Quarter Fest, Sat and Sun notes

Saturday, April 12

11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Jimmy Thibodeaux Band (out sick)

We go live at 12:30 NY time. Tom Morgan on (needs wind screen). Rebroadcast of Bruce Daigrepont. W/ David Kunian.

They start with the second tune aired yesterday and in the middle of it rather than the beginning. Why?

After the no-chord change waltz they go into another tune in the middle of it. Good job, OZ.

Canray's contra dance! Have always loved this tune.

Whoa, they're skipping another song? The song dedicated to the Danish couple... What is going on? At least we don't have the DJ butting in after every song! And then Tom Morgan butts in, oh well.

They go live to the Jeremy and the Zydeco Hotboyz now. ~1 pm NY time. Low level.

"Jeremy and the Zydeco Hotboyz next"? They're on now...

It's somebody and the code breakers. (OZ morons gave wrong ID) The French Quarter Fest site doesn't have any info on these guys.

"Last night I drank a bottle of wine. I feel alright... But you know I love you."

"I tried and tried and couldn't leave you alone... Must be somethin in the water"... (level goes down but we have more of a high end now. 63k. Nothing in the 16 k range.)

"Take off them shoes, throw them in the gutter... I don't see why you can't stay a little longer"...

Can hear the crowd now. Good.

Waltz. Heavy two step beat.

(I get distracted and don't listen)

This band has a horn section. I guess this is Jeremy & The Zydeco Hotboyz (OZ has misspelled it.)

"I don't want nobody else but you"...


"Rick James with it"...

mostly boring

DJs feel compelled to ID between every song. Idiots.

a reggae tune

more reggae (guy in the crowd asks for James Brown)

right place, wrong time....

Hey, the DJs aren't interrupting this between song pause! Bravo!

OZ, have whoever interrupts the show monitor it so they can shut up when the music starts. It sounds like they are not aware of when the music starts or else they feel compelled to finish their train of thought. We'd much rather hear the music than the DJ so they should be aware of that. Listen to how well WFMU DJs deal with live shows. They know when to shut up. They don't ID at every break.

2 more. 3:47 NY time

more "Rick James with it"... good play with rhythm

one mo'

Country Boy Lovin... (in a chicken coop?)


Keith is DJing now.

3:00 - 4:45 p.m. Otra
~5 NY time. I guess this is Otra on now. Latin jazz. Not my cup of tea.

DJ says it's gonna be Rockin Dopsie. Is it Rockin or Dwayne?

Rockin Dopsie Jr...

5:15 - 7:00 p.m. Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers
I recorded this and am listening to it on Sunday. DJ pronounces it Dopsie, another DJ pronounces it Dopesie. Which is it? At least it isn't Rockin Dopsie... (like they said it was yesterday.)

These guys are cookin.

Level goes down at one point.

No need to keep this.

Sunday, April 13

(11:15 - 1:00 p.m. Roddie Romero and the Hub-City Allstars)

Noon, NY time. Hazel hands over to George ingmire and Dean but they're not there.
We hear Hazel's echo and another CD but not George... then George comes in, oblivious to Hazel.

They go to the stage but it doesn't work. They play a CD and it is WAY TOO F'N HOT! Jesus H Christ. Clowns. DJs talk over it oblivious. "We gotta figure this out..." Yep.

DJ talks but is low level then level comes up. Background noise is too loud... stumbling.

It finally works. Level is too hot then is ok. 12:19 NY time.

Roddie Romero and the Hub-City Allstars
Mix is good. I think everybody is in it... Levels good.

Nice trad Cajun so far but he plays out there rock too, doesn't he? Maybe he's mellowed since I last heard him.

He plays a waltz. It's a beautiful day down there.

Dj has to ID after the first song. Don't do it again, ok? You've already done before the set started...

Joe Pitre something (Can't dance?)

Talk about that turtle head..

level going up on Uncle Bud

DJ IDs again.

The band slows the tempo down mid-song. (Got a paper in my shoe)

DJ IDs again, grr.

No ID after this song. Thank you.

ID after this one.

level goes up. (I'm a hog for you baby) good blues

ID. Enough already.

No ID, thank you. (Last night, I got loaded...)

No ID. It ain't easy

ID, Waiting for my ya ya


No ID, a more rocking song, the last one.

OK. Nice to hear the stage MC. DJ comes on very low level. Amanda Shaw on in 1/2 hr. I am out of here.

They play a CD and it is REALLY HOT. I mean loud, ok? Now they lower it. Morons. They are incapable of doing levels right.

Amanda Shaw and the Cute Guys
I wish she would develop throat cancer. Anything to stop her singing.

4:12 NY time. Looks like Amanda is done. DJs talk over music, oblivious! Morons.

Marc Ribot? Cool! The transition to playing the CD is mangled... Yes, it's Marc Ribot.

They talk with Amanda. Gag me with a spoon.

Keith Frank and the Soileau Zydeco Band
4:38 NY time. They play two sources at the same time. Good. Is this Keith Frank? Yes. (Man onstage mentions that but is low level.)

Hello I Love You... a good band, good mix. Low Rider. another tune. Do You Like Good Music! A great song as an original. (What's the real name of this?) Do You Wanna Dance, this guy goes back! Stir It Up! Signal breaks up at the very end.

Beast of Burden? That's too bad. Yep.

If I Had A Hammer, the Trini Lopez version!


Be Iron Like a Lion (In?) Zion (Bob Marley)

Last Night I Got Loaded again... This must be a current hit. Sad.

Land of 1000 dances...


Hey, the DJ hasn't interrupted with station IDs in awhile! I forgot that they do that!

bad distortion for a little while during this tune. some cool washboard sounds! Now a cool bass solo. Everybody scream - stupid.

Set seems to be over. George with Marylou, "I'll be sure to turn you on"...

Bo Dollis - Louisiana 1927. I agree. I like the John Boutte version better.

Robyn's mic is VERY low. Fix it, you morons.
The CD they play is WAY too loud. Do these people have any clue? Have they ever cued up something before?

6:27 NY time they cut to
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Ovi G and The Froggies
they bring level up after a little while.
Probably not what I want to listen to. Latin/Dominican Republic.
I bail.