Sunday, July 30, 2006

third try to post this

(Blogger wouldn't post my e-mailed posts for two days. Now it works. Good)

Sunday 7/30
I see the two fawns as I drive in. One is kinda curious so I try to appraoch it after I've parked. It gets bored I guess and goes back to eating. (What's that called in human psychology. Avoidance?) Anyway, it is nice to see them on a regular basis. I hope I can approach one of them at some point. It'd be nice to gain their trust considering their probable fate of being hit by a car at some point.

Saturday 7/29

First daddy long legs seen in the house today since I sealed all the
screen edges (in May/June). I'm glad that has worked so well.
Usually, I get a bug a day that I escort out and see something large,
a moth usually, flying around inside at night. Haven't seen anything
to speak of since I sealed things off. Hallelujah. Sealing off the
spaces where the pipes come out of the wall in the bathroom helped as
well. I usually get spiders in the bathtub. Haven't seen ANY this
year. Ok, one small one the other day but it's MUCH better than it
ever has been.

Of course as soon as I said that, I find an ant in the kitchen
checking out the one piece of cat food that isn't in the bowl, so I
escort him outside. As I do that I noticed a nice brown wolf spider
so I decide to relocate him too. Might as well relocate the little
black spider I saw in the bathroom too.

Done. He rolled up into a little ball once I shook him into the cup I
use to relocate insects found in the house. Cute. Playing dead.

About 4 pm, I see a deer walk into my back yard. I watch as it heads
to the side yard. As it approaches the plants on my table I bang on
the glass and off it sprints into the bushes and then looks around.
It then walks over to my landlady's back yard. It looks into the
bushes there, looking for/at something. A second or two later out
bounds a little fawn and it begins to suckle her mother. Aww. I take
a movie and might post it but it is pretty far away so isn't very
sharp. So, the older deer I've seen with the fawns is Mom. I think
the fawns were staying in the thicket of bushes between my landlady's
house and our next door neighbor's. Cool.

I posted some good pics of that big orange bug seen a few days ago.
Much better pictures than the earlier ones. Apparently, this bug
didn't like having his picture taken. As soon as the first flash went
off, he roused himself and started to amble off of the door pane.

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