Fest but all they have is a promo. You have to have Cox cable to see
the show. Oh well.
So tonight, it's
Proteus - 6:15 p.m. and Orpheus - 7 p.m. (NY times) (DSU said Zeus
too but we never see it.)
I tune in at 6:04 NY time. DSU cam has reporter. Paradecam is still
on the roof.
Jeff is on Paradecam. "Bloggers have been mentioning you, Meredith,
too." I have... Others?
People walking around in shorts so the weather must be nice. Arthur
Hardy next on DSU. We see Arthur reacting to whatever they are saying
in the studio. He talks. When done, a beauty shot...
Watching people standing around eating, drinking, talking on cell
phones before the parade starts.
DSU guy white balances the camera on a guy's shirt?
See flambeaux with lights arranged vertically. Haven't seen that before.
Hear the train whistle from down by the river. Ah nostalgia.
6:30 NY time and no sign of any movement. We can see the first float
in the DSU cam. Now hear a siren. The parade is moving.
Flambeaux moving up. The DSU cam is only just around the corner from
the Paradecam so is slightly ahead of the Paradecam.
20 floats. Realms of Enchantment the theme. DSU cam has a good spot.
First float after the captain is nice, green Proteus, nicely done.
Poseidon (Pronounced Po-sigh'-den not Posaden). A flambeaux shouts
Happy Mardi Gras.
Nice faery float coming up. Well, at least the faery is nicely done.
The rest of it is poorly painted. A nice figure on the very end I
see. (That may be on another float. It's hard to keep track...)
I missed a big fish float.
Proteus had a lot of family troubles...
Did I see one of the black band members in whiteface?
This float is waddling up, the figurehead seems to be pulling it.
(The Cyclops! I later hear.)
Paradecam guy reads James Joyce!
Nice to hear the weather is nice.
The (St James) Wildcats conveniently stopping in front of the
Paradecam. I noticed the cymbal player jazzing it up too. The tuba
player giving it alot of body English. Cymbal player really showing
off! Now they all gyrate.
DSU reporter getting ready to go live, on cam.
Damian wants to get an organ transplant from one of these guys! The
band shakes it up. Band finally moves off.
Float #11, nice figurehead.
Beautiful blue sky shot on the DSU cam.
Nice leprechaun figurehead on this float.
Jeff thinks that I might know who is who. Nope. I'm just following
your lead and writing down as much as I can. But thanks for the
reference! It's nice to be mentioned. And fun to see who is looking
at the blog!
Crystal Caverns, cool figurehead. I would have guessed it was an
alien but Jeff has a better view.
DSU reporter is doing her on-cam thing. A beautiful float
(figurehead, an old man) passing by her.
Sunflowers on this float. Gilded Gardens it's called.
Fire engine on the DSU cam. 7:18 pm NY time.
(I do watch the streetcar cam occasionally...)
St Charles Streetcar Band again.
Proteus is done. (~ 1 hr) after it started. 7:22 NY time.
The view on Bourbon St is familiar but we sure miss the Bourbocam and
it's hosts. All those interviews. The whole scene. Now all we see is
a silent mass of people moving around, jerkily, very slow motion.
Orpheus 7:30 pm NY time
Paradecam is going but DSU cam is bluescreen. Are they done?
Eating dinner as I write, we see a Trojan horse float! The DSU cam is back.
Paradecam video camera is acting up, giving strange but beautiful
colors and having other technical problems. 7:40 pm NY time
St Aug band coming up on the DSU cam.
Some nice spotlights coming up on the DSU cam. Very cool effect
seeing the light in the trees.
Original Lady Buck Jumpers/Steppers struttin' front of the cam.
O Perry Walker wearing white pith helmets!
They ran out of Hummers and now have golf carts! (Good, I hate Hummers.)
Gorgeous effects with the searchlights on the DSU cam.
Paradecam has been better but still has some video problems.
Damian: Palm trees?
Float goes by Pitt St so DSU cam is by Pitt and Napolean.
Wow, a very bright float approaches on the DSU cam.
Have a steam train float but haven't seen Smokey Mary yet. Oh, that
is her. 6 floats long! Wow. Let's watch this go around the corner.
Smokey Mary has all kinds of American flags on her. We hear the
whistle but she isn't smoking much that I can see.
Bachalopter? I thought it was the Bacchussaurus? Paradecam is acting
up, strange colors.
Wow, an incredible white float coming up on the DSU cam, 2 sections,
full of feathers or what looks like feathers. Might be flowers.
Another cool gremlin with a blue shirt coming up on the DSU cam. And
a nice owl.
Kids marching on the DSU cam. Not in uniforms or at least it looked
like it (they do on the Paradecam). Then a band.
Jiminy Cricket and a large sun behind him.
Paradecam is all video noise now. Audio is fine. 8:31 pm NY time.
Bee on the Stinger float. I like the arch of flowers on it too.
We hear the Paradecamers catching beads.
Lots of nice close-ups of the riders on the DSU cam. The crowd is
very close to the float on the DSU cam.
Paradecam video is f'd up. 8:41 pm NY time (before and after the tape
change.) OK now but not for long.
Unmasked riders on the Coast Guard air rescue float with the
helicopter on the back.
I watch the DSU cam cuz the Paradecam video is too bad. Audio is
fine. (I think there is something wrong with the camera or the
transmission from it to the receiver.) Internet connection is fine
for both. DSU cam, not surprisingly since they are a TV station, has
had a great picture throughout Mardi Gras. Not always the best
position but best picture quality. And good audio when they use it.
Nice Neptune? float coming up. Paradecam fine now!
How are the high school seniors marked? The hosts are noting the
seniors often so they must be marked somehow.
Cool dragon coming up on the DSU cam. Fabulous! The best decorated float yet.
I agree. It's not quite the same when the Ford blows its horn
compared to the train!
Band in red making a good noise on the DSU cam.
Dragon looks great on the Paradecam, smoke everywhere.
Wow, a white creampuff of a float.
DSU cam is blue screen now. 9 pm NY time.
Here's the white creampuff. A green dragon as its figurehead.
Well alright, biodiesel!
Paradecam is now blue screen. Both are blue now. 9:05 pm NY time.
Good, they realize there is a problem. This is so much better than in
previous years when they would go on without doing anything about it.
Glad they still have audio.
The DSU cam is blue screen and doesn't look like it is coming back so
goodbye, DSU.
Paradecam is still on the roof. 9:15 pm NY time.
Good, the audio gets better on the Paradecam. We have radio at this
point with the cam up on the roof.
The hummingbird? Not the restaurant...
End of Orpheus. Very nice. Tomorrow starts at 10 (NO time for the Paradecam.
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