Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sun, 2/3: Mid-City, Toth

1:31 NY time, the 2nd half starts. (Already started on DSU cam?... hmm.)

40 floats. Quite the scene with all the crowd. BBQs going? Something smoking.

St Aug passes by yet again.

Now no parade on the DSU cam.

Looks like St Aug passing on the DSU cam. So, DSU is after Paradecam....

This is Mid City, not Toth. OK.

Uses aluminum foil rather than paper mache'. Their "den" got flooded during Katrina , dens being where the floats are stored.

Xavier Prep band.

A bright red float looks great.

Nice medallion.

Mid City had the first animated float, being propelled by Boy Scouts on stationary bikes! Hilarious. Slave labor.

Float 6 - beautiful.

This guy knows how much hotter the foil floats are: 35 degrees. Un hunh. Is that a fact?

Drill team dressed in black does routine in front of Paradecam. One guy drops his fake rifle.

2:02 PM NY time. A break in the action on both cams.

"Port-O-Lets have regained their shape after Friday." People were sitting on top of them then.

Jeff interviews group in front of Paradecam. Guy sings The Time of My Life, ick. 'Blood level is vodka and tonic right now.' Their breath would catch fire...

More break. 2:11 NY time

Paradeacam comes back at 2:20 NY time.

DSU cam has parade at 2:24 NY time so it is definitely AFTER the Paradecam, ok?

Last float of Mid City. 2:27 NY time. (False alarm)

DSU stream is very jerky. My computer is running at 100% CPU use.

Smokey Mary? No, just a steam tractor! Cool.

And a calliope! Calliope being pulled by a steam tractor. We don't hear much of it, alas.

End of Mid City? (Audio is dropping out/breaking up on Paradecam) 2:31 NY time.

No pies from Hubigs. No love...

Jeff: Jaeger - Epicac with alcohol! (I've never had it.)

Yes, they are making absinthe again! Great. We can narcotisize ourselves with it.

Jeff asks group to sing. American Pie. That's kinda what I would expect from them. 'They are adjusting so well for their first time in NO.'

Toth begins. 2:39 NY time. ("Toth. Is that a word?")

Beautiful horses for the mounted police. Apaloosas? I have no idea. Lots of white markings. (Some of the cops have cowboy hats. Gretna police?)

Cheese fries. Sausage sandwiches. Yum.

Coast Guard helicopter flies over.

When The Saints - somewhere in GA Marine Corp band.

Drill team does their thing.

3:00 pm NYtime (Have blue screen when he thinks Paradecam is done with tape exchange.)

3:01 pm NY time. I write to to tell them the Paradecam is still blue screen. Let's see how long it takes for them to fix it. Cool. It is fixed as I am writing this! Thanks!! 3:03 ny time

Tulane band is in front of the Paradecam now. Jeff will be graduating soon. (after 7 years...)

Float with (Egyptian?) one eye. Master Builders. Masons?

Gary is a target so Jeff moves away. Aiming for Gary but their aim sucks. Get tons of stuff.

Fish beads

Nice stepping from the Arlington High School dancers.

Float #1 now?

Lots of Carmelettes.

Another song... You've Lost That Loving Feeling. Artfully sung. Or more accurately, drunkenly. They go on.

One guy throwing heaps, armfuls, of beads on the Renaissance Festival float.

Jeff says to a guy on  the float, "you look familiar." He responds with a shrug.

Maine lobster float! Lobster, bland compared to crawfish and hard to peel. (But so much more meat and damn good!)



'A band displaying their pride in motion?' Something only a bandmember would say or think.

Nice Egyptian masks!

Maybe the horses enjoy Guns N Roses. Maybe...

Almost 4pm NY time and the RealOne Player hasn't stopped in a long time. Stream is abit jerky and video quality is not great but is as good as can be expected. Audio is better, not breaking up much. DSU cam is still jerky but I haven't been watching it much.

India float followed by NO Irish Pipe Band. Well, alright.

AZ Balloon Festival! Wouldn't have expected them to be there.

Day of the Dead. Yes, Mexico. Float isn't decorated very well. A skull here, a skull there. Could have been MUCH better.

LA Fantasy Girls?

LA Swampfest. Alright!!! Miles of alligators! Alligators love marshmallows! lol

I remember the Chinese New Year dragon float. One of my favorites.

(CPU is staying at 100% now... but all seems well.)

Abdul and the Tentmakers on their burger break.

(I stop watching the DSU cam as the Paradecam has a better angle on it all, though it is blurry.) 4:05 pm NY time Get CPU use to 75% now. Better.

Another dunk tractor driver.

"Tiger bait" idiot yelling.

Big Chief by Gulf Coast something band. Drummers in truck!

NO Jazz Fest, float #21.

Loyola dance team, not very energetic... Jeff says.

Nice gold medallion!

Jeff: "This is getting dangerous. These assholes are going way too far." The riders on the floats?

I like the striped outfits on these dancers.

Horse drawn cart! The Mardi Gras Indians on horses. The Indian competition on Mardi Gras day is to see who's the prettiest.

Basketballs being thrown from floats.

Rider hands out one of his flowers to someone and he didn't have many. Another rider talking on his cell phone. Black cowboys.

"Once again, the horses are being followed by a sound truck. they apparently enjoy it!"

Hear a steam/train whistle coming up. Christmas in NY float - what's that about? Maybe a Santa Claus and maybe either a Rockette or a Nutcracker figure. Two touristy things to do I guess. An interesting idea for New Orleanians going up to NY for Christmas.

We hear a little bit of Zoot Suit by the WIld Tchopitoulas.

A very quick battery change!! 4:23 pm NY time

It's getting dark there. Still light here! Maybe, it'd be good to adjust the camera... It's ok for looking towards the parade though. The sky is a little dark when focusing on that.

Nice Egyptian insignias on the last float. Meredith will host Bacchus. Starting at 5:15 NO time.


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