are not there anymore. The look of it has changed
too so maybe that is why. Or maybe they don't
like some of the things I'm saying. I don't think
I have been unreasonable. Some were totally
inoffensive and one or two others might have
poked fun at something but were by no means
offensive. So I won't blame anyone but it is
curious. At least one post I tried to make may
not have worked due to browser or other technical
reasons. The rest were up and are now not showing.
I tune in about 12:25 NY time. Nice to hear this
Gatemouth Brown - St Louis Blues.
Levels on for now, from the studio, are nice and
high, clean, no distortion, well balanced. Let's
see what happens when they go to the Fairgrounds.
Not that I am surprised but they are already past
the due starting time.
Lipstick Traces, a classic.
DJ gives us no clue when they will go to the
Fairgrounds. Has 3 tunes in a row coming up.
Maybe it will be an hour away? Silly me. I assume
things will begin more or less on-time. That has
to be one of New Orleans most aggravating habits,
lateness. And not letting people know what is
going on. How much can you take before you get
Levels go up during the James Booker cut.
12:42 NY time. Signal suddenly dies. iTunes is
fine. Nothing from OZ right now. Then it comes
back with really low levels. Could be the
Fairgrounds. Nice transition, OZ. It's live. Yes,
I think we are now live at the Fairgrounds. Lead
vocal mic is really low.
Paulin Brothers Brass Band
Closer Walk With Thee. Nice and slow. Band sounds
like they just woke up. Level goes up. Mix is
good otherwise, clean. Vocal mic is basically out
of the mix. Will they fix it, I doubt it. Levels
go up again. Level goes all the way down to
silence. Good job! Nothing. Do they know they
have no sound going out? Level comes back, goes
way up then ok, but low. Still no vocal mic.
Level goes down to nothing again. A bit later we
get a second then silence. Now we're back in the
12:52 NY time. Bob French comes on with Keith
Hill at REALLY HIGH LEVELS! It gets turned down.
Two idiots. Yea, I think you should head to the
My comments are back on the wwoz blog. Go figure.
Mix sounds good. Vocal mic is in there. Good.
Wonderful World, one of Louie's favorites. This
guy is singing like someone who doesn't sing this
early in the morning. Or maybe he sings like this
all the time?
1:06 NY time As soon as I sent in a complement
that the mix was good, the signal dies. Oh well.
We hear some rustling at 1:10 NY time but it returns to silence.
1:21 it comes back with Bob and Keith yakking
away. Any chance we can hear the music? Stream
dies at 1:23
I remain sitting here patiently.
How's this for confusion? WWOZ has two URLs for it's blog on! and What is the story
behind that? My posts aren't showing on They are on the other
1:37 NY time, I hear some rustling... a pop or two. Then silence.
Stream comes back from the studio at 1:38 NY
time. web page won't show my latest
comment, that the stream is back up. (I will only
use from now on)
Oh, they're at the Fairgrounds. Keith and Bob on. Going to Freddie King next.
»11:30 - 12:30 p.m.
1:43 NY time. Lil Freddie King Blues Band
REALLY low level! Mix sounds overmodulated. His
vocal is low in the mix but they bring it up a
little. They were going to play either this or
the Paulin BB so I am glad they are playing both.
Overall level is low but the mix seems to be
complete. Now we some DJs talk over the music.
Good, morons. They do it again. "Hello, Hello,
sounds good." Idiots. Not only were you talking
over the music but it didn't sound good. It was
totally distorted. I crank up the levels on the
cassette deck. Hope they don't blast later. They
do! DJ level is WAY UP higher than the music
level. Morons. Mic technique is horrendous. We
hear all kinds of bumping and noise. Bob lusts
after the girl.
13 kids. That's a blessing?
Stream dies 1:58 NY time.
Still out as of 2:30 NY time.
Interesting. The OZ blog says the stream is ok as
of 1 NO time (2 NY time). I haven't gotten
anything out of the stream since 1:58 NY time
(12:58 NO time). How could it have worked at 1 NO
time if I haven't gotten it to work since 12:58
NO time? I think Tom meant before 12:58 (which is
almost one) and he hasn't updated it since then.
I can see the stream working but there is no
audio. That has been the case since it went out
at 1:58 NY time.
3:22 NY time. I get back from lunch, touch the
mouse (trackpad actually) and the audio returns.
I was going to write them to ask if the stream
could be restored just when it came back!
I guess this is Shamarr Allan. Not my cup of tea.
The other vocal mic, his son, is very low. Might
as well not be there. Now Shamarr's mic is too
low. Not that I care about this music. Some nice
trumpet playing though. Saxes are low in the mix.
(What do sound guys have against them?) These
guys are running late. It was supposed to over at
2:30 NO time. It's 2:34 now. Piano is low in the
mix. Right about now... They end about 2:40 NO
time. They're singing those tourist songs... One
trumpet is out of the mix.
Keith comes in, not bad level. When does Bob go?
Oh good, they're going soon. We hear off mic talk from director, I guess.
Sounds like rain on the tent roof while Dwayne is talking.
4:05 NY time they go to Midnite Disturbers Brass Band
I hope I like these guys. Haven't heard some good
brass band music in a long time, other than the
Poulin Bros earlier today but that was so broken
I like. Mix is good, so far. Sax is low. Some
good playing, good arrangements, good ideas. Some
hum. Level is good though I bet the DJs will blow
your ears out. Nice tune. Trumpet solo is a
little too hot relative to the mix. They end with
a familiar tune.
Bye Bob. Their level is good, thank you. Bob, "We
hope you had as good a time as you had." Bob
sings You Are My Only Sunshine. Are we missing
the Midnite Disturbers for this? Go home, Bob.
Note to the director: Make your DJs shut up when
there is music you are supposed to be
broadcasting from the stages.
Level of band is lower than DJs. (Peaking at -10
now, it was peaking at 0db but I know the level
is going to change so I'm leaving it there.)
Trumpet solo is low level and getting lower.
Level coming up now. This tune is boring. Man on
mic is way out of the mix. Nice drumming section.
Handa Wanda. They come in with a nice horn riff
then, "Everybody fuckin scream", live on WWOZ...
Nice intro. (Everybody got soul, soul, soul) Matt
Perine, Rapper/male voc is off-mic. Stanton
Moore? Mark Mullins? Famous horn riff (I should
know where it came from but can't remember right
now.) Suzanne Vega's - Luka thrown in there!
Curtis Mayfield's - Pusherman thrown in there!
There's that horn lick again. It's Tower Of Power
- What is Hip! They end.
DJ level is higher than music from stage. Dumb.
Cousin Dimitri and Big D on now.
4:56 NY time. Right to Roy Young all of a sudden.
I wondered how they were going to do that.
(According to the schedule, Midnite Disturbers
ends at 4:05. Roy Young begins at 3:45.)
Roy Young. This should be good too.
Good mix! I think all the instruments and vocals
are in the mix! My heart be still. Good levels.
DJ comes on and level is ok. Too bad he had to talk over the music intro.
Applause for his manager. Teach Me Tonight. Do it right here...
The Willie Mitchell Orchestra
Find himself a part time lover. Disco. Sax solo is low but not bad.
After song ends, I think I hear some DJ talk under the stage feed. Tiny.
Man's World - James Brown. Should be 'This is an old man's world...'
The Lamplighter? in Memphis. If it's the same
one, I read about it online. A nice local's
joint. Characters, good burgers, grilled cheese,
Pabst Blue Ribbon (just this one time).
Dj IDs, not bad.
slow blues - Harmonica is WAY low in the mix. Do
the engineers care? No. Sax low too. Harmonica
solo is good level. Hear some distortion.
Dust some broom, (Dust My Broom), asks them to
stand up. Sax is in the mix, how nice. Low, but
in there.
REM's Everybody Hurts.
Delbert McClinton should be excellent,
discounting any and all technical/mix problems.
He's scheduled for 5:30 - 6:50 NO time and it's 6
NY time now so at least a 1/2 hr wait.
CDs now from studio are lower level than stage feed was.
Down in the Treme... Treme Song - John Boutte
Imagine running into Robert Plant at the LMF...
Stream goes out for second, scared me. (6:19 NY time)
Little Freddy King - Chicken Dance, nice. (Thank
god it isn't that other chicken dance.)
Sunny Afternoon (Kinks) - unknown woman. Sweet! Very nice backup band.
Ok, it's 6:30 NY time, 5:30 NO time. When will Delbert begin?
DJ's level is low.
Betty LaVette on Thurs on OZ?
Betty LaVette CD is REAL LOW. Barely -20 db.
Don't you love how the levels change?
Next CD is a little better, -10db.
DJ level is "normal"/0db (actually a little lower than that)
Alright, they start w/ Delbert, 6:49 NY time. Mix seems good.
Ain't I Got A Right To Be Wrong. We miss the beginning.
Let Me Be Your Hero
A little echo on his voice?
They have his harmonica mic'd well. How unusual. Go into a running blues!
DJ IDs, not bad level.
Livin' It Down!
I Want To Love You! (And Etta James is playing
tonight at the HOB. Wish I was there.) Nice and
slow. Piano is a little low, drums too. A good
tune to slow dance to. Nice trumpet solos. Love
this tune. Always gets to me.
Shaky Ground!
DJ butts in w/ sponsor/underwriter ad
Lindalou? (running blues) Nice.
Shotgun Rider
Dreams To Remember
Every Time I Roll the Dice. Hearing distortion. Overmodulated?
Giving It Up For Your Love, yea!, Level goes down, WHY? Now peaking at -10db.
encore, nice
7:56 NY time MC is off mic. Delbert is done.
They go through all those staff credits. Why can't they do a better job?
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