Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I wake at 4:45 am. Feeling a little queasy. Some good friends gave me
a dinner BBQ last night, had boneless pork ribs, a burger and some
grilled corn on the cob. I did notice that one part of the pork was
uncooked enough but didn't think much of it. It was delicious. I'm
feeling better now, about an hour later.

Heard a cat moan a little after 5. It was Aldo's black cat. Saw it
walk along the wall in the back. Said hi to it. It stopped for a
second, then continued on. My cat wasn't interested.

Heard some "clops". I've heard them before. Not sure what they are.
Deer's hooves on pavement? Deer's mouth's closing shut as some form
of deer communication? Some other animal? I've never seen the animal
as it makes that noise.

Did see a deer about 5:45 am. The cat noticed it first but it got it
me out of bed to look at it. The newspaper got delivered just then as
well. The deer jumped back into the bushes but wasn't too alarmed. It
then wandered back towards the woods. I was hoping it wouldn't notice
my flowers and it didn't.

Cat hasn't eaten the pill I dabbed in butter and left in a small pile
of food last night. As I write, she knocked the calendar off the
stereo cabinet as an effort to get me to feed her. She'll do that as
well when she knocks the outdoor thermometer off the table by my bed.
So far, she hasn't done anything more destructive to get me to pay
attention to her.

I do feel a little bad that this may not be the best approach. She
is diabetic. Withholding food isn't a good approach for a diabetic
cat but it worked the previous night. Hasn't worked so far for last

My writing isn't as interesting as the mental notes I make before I
write. There are several points I am forgetting altogether and I'm
writing about things I hadn't intended to write about. Getting the
balance right of what I want to write and what I actually write takes
some practice, discipline.

6 am.

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