Saturday, June 10, 2006

NRC sends me a letter

Last year I e-mailed the NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, about
the Indian Point sirens being hard to hear. The guy that ended up
with my mail called me and said they would look into it. He thought
someone from the NYC office would come out here in a few months. That
was last year. I got a letter from him today saying that they still
haven't come out but that as soon as he hears anything he would let
me know. All this in a certified letter(s) that cost ~$5 to mail.

That's our government hard at work. I do appreciate that they are
pursuing this but its a bit ridiculous to send out $5 letters just to
say nothing is happening a year later. But then, that is sort of the
point of why I wrote to them. To bog them down with minutiae like
thi, stuff that they have to deal with. Maybe then they will assume
closing Indian Point is cheaper...

A long shot I admit but it's just one small way I can help. If
everyone did their part...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lip, ....

    I have a siren 100 yards from my house. It's loud as hell.

    Just gimme your phone number,
    and I'll call you any time it goes off.

    Corliss Lamonk
