Thursday, August 03, 2006

I've had the windows closed for two nights now, with the a/c on cuz
it's so hot and humid. As soon as it gets dark the inside of the
window gets swarmed with all kinds of little bugs that are getting in
through the screen or whatever edges I haven't sealed. It's
disgusting. These guys must get in when the window is open too. That
many little bugs get in? Jeez. And most of them will die when they
can't get out the next day, cooking inbetween the window and the
screen. That many every night? And those that get in when the window
is open end up, I guess, flitting around the bright lights inside. I
hardly ever see them the next day or their bodies. Makes you want to
keep the window closed from now on.

I'd tried taking pictures but none of them show the bugs at all. It
really is disgusting.

One encouraging thing though is that they all disappear the next day. Maybe one or two moths can't get out but I don't see any small bugs. I'm guessing they see the sun rise and fly off towards it. Or do they hang around for the next night? (If so, most die cuz it is so hot out and they don't get any water or food.)

I don't look forward to opening the windows...

A cicada? seen on the screen last night. Is this a June bug?

The temp yesterday. The readings are NOT reliable...

Today, ~110 in the shade!

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