Saturday, January 19, 2008

the first parade, Krewe Du Vieux

Here is the video from the TP/ ex-Bourbocam host, Jester/Jon Donley.
(Audio from him)(He catches a Golden Bagel.)

The notes below are from my watching the WDSU cam.

My first glimpse of the WDSU cam was of a lady in a red dress with
cone tits that had cans of whipped cream inside them which she could
dispense! I forget what she called herself. What a great concept!

The WDSU feed looked good! (Quicktime) A little mottled but not bad
and a good strong stream, good internet speed.

(What I saw in the order it came in )
The cameraman yelled at people to get out of the way. A menora. Lots
of pirates. The cult of landscaping. Lots of Egyptian outfits. People
covered w/ cash. A good brass band by the record player float. Single
sperm cells on sticks. A smoking gun float. A devil float w/ ex-Mayor
Morial's (and other's) pics on the side. A float as Senator Vitter's
family values meal (Wendy's parody). A woman who was going as a
shit-head said "When life gives you poo, make mushrooms!" Lots of
mushrooms. Skeletons. We all live in a Jello-shot machine float (a
parody of the Beatles Yellow Submarine). A paper-mache' guy getting
an enema on one float. A girl gave the camera some beads and kissed
it. (Love is in the air!) A kaos sign. A woman is interviewed. Her
group are the LRA (Louisiana Recovery Authority). The theme - "You
never give us the money" (spoof of the Beatles song) the theme of the
parade this year being the Magical Misery Tour. She said "People are
miserable but it is still a great place to be." (God bless her and
those trying to make NO come back.). The parade had passed by at this
point. They then interviewed a kid. His favorite part of the parade?
The penis tank! They interview a couple. They interview a guy named
Greg, "The parade was fast cuz it was cold." His favorite part:
Spermes, a spoof of Hermes. The WDSU techies talked for awhile.

So, not quite like the Bourbocam but not bad. No constant yakking
like the Boubo/Paradecam hosts but they did do some properly
journalistic interviews. I am looking forward to the rest!

Eh la bas!

More info on the Krewe du Vieux here:

Here is last year's. My new favorite parade...

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