Wednesday, June 21, 2006

6/20, pt 2

Went hacking through the bushes and vines. Found some grape and wisteria trying to spread. Cut a bunch of vines that were heading up a dead tree. They were visible so a target.

Dragged some fallen branches, which are in constant supply around
here, to the pile in the back from behind the hedge out front.

Explored the woods a little and found out that a large orange thing I
saw earlier in the spring was not another piece of trash as I had
expected it would be, but a large mushroom! There still is plenty of
trash back there which I'll see for another 6 months when the leaves
go away.

In one of my trips back and forth on the driveway, I saw a fawn, one
of the two I'd seen before. He/she was curious about me so I stopped,
put down my tools, and crouched down to appear less threatening. It
was curious for awhile as I talked to it, using the same voice I use
with my cat, with lots of love in it. "It's ok, hello deer", over and
over. Soon I noticed another one. This one was even more curious to
approach me. Something startled it so it headed away. The other
followed. As I walked away I saw what might have been mom or dad or a
friend (another deer), couldn't tell how big it was as it was behind
some bushes. Didn't get a picture. It is good to see they are still
around. Judi first told me about them awhile back so they've been
seen here for maybe a month or so.

I noticed that the apple tree has an apple on it! Or maybe it is a
turnip? And it has a face!

It is growing up from the stem, defying gravity. What impresses me
as well is that it is so soon for apples to appear. They showed up
much later last summer. Maybe all the rain is what is making this
happen to the raspberries as well. They have early fruit, and haven't
changed since I last mentioned it.

Found out the brown/black balls on the lily are bulbils, seeds, not
insect eggs. I look forward to seeing more lilies there!


  1. completely random. but i stumbled onto this page with the "next blog" button and when i saw that apple with a face, i cracked up for a good minute or two. kbye!

  2. Thanks. It does look like a happy apple...
