Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The first day of summer

At breakfast, I see what looks like a wren going in and out of the birdhouse, which has been occupied by sparrows (song sparrows?) instead of the intended eastern bluebirds it was designed to only accept. Then I see three sparrows hanging around. Some go in and out. Mom and Dad and a friend? Three neighbors? I'm wondering when, if ever, I'll see baby sparrows there.

The first day of summer. Cooler than the hot few days we've had lately until yesterday. Low humidity. Nice. Summer started officially for me when this last heatwave started before this past weekend. It's been a cool June so far, sleeping covered up and haven't been able to wear shorts very much. Wet too. Good for the crops.

Some sort of construction going on out front. This was what the "Men Working" sign, that is blocking my vision should I want to drive out, is for. Cleaning the storm drains?

My poison ivy has peaked I think. Hope I'm done. Some new irritations have shown up on my face and neck but they seem minor.

Ah, summertime. Humidity. Smells that otherwise are unnoticed appear. I'm smelling a woodsy sort of smell, almost like rotting tobacco. It might be coming from inside the house, might be from outside. Haven't smelled it before. Am smelling a few smells that I haven't noticed before. Are some what older people smell like? I have noticed a few like that. I am getting to that age where these kinds of things happen.

On the other hand... I smell what smells like honeysuckle. I think it is coming from the unknown bush (on the right) by the side of the house. Sweet but not too strong. I don't think this bush was fragrant before. Yea! (See flower pics in the Yesterday's News, 6/21 entry.)

Birdbath is getting lots of action! There's a robin in it now. First it samples the water then splashes around in it. There's another bird up in a tree nearby that looks wet, ruffling his feathers. I've seen a few wet birds preening themselves nearby. Might be able to get some pics.

I now know that one of my unknown bushes on the side of the house is a privet. I am wondering if the other one is too.

Two pics of the unknown bush. (Left = May, Right = June)

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